栂尾神楽 について
●Date of the festival 22-23 Nov.
Place Tsugao Shrine
The deity of Tsugao Shrine is Susanoo-no-Mikoto and is the clan deity of Tsugao, Nakayama, Ozaki and Tosinoza settlements.
Tsugao Kagura is said to have been performed by Kuroki Saemon-nosuke, who went to Aso Shrine in Higo around the Tensho era, learnt Kagura and brought it back to Tsugao, where it was passed on to the villagers. He is said to have been the pioneer of Tsugao and the first head priest of Tsugao Shrine. His descendants, the Kuroki family, have six kagura masks in their collection, including a woman's mask with an inscription dated 1632.