About the Oyabu no Usu Drum Dance
The Usu-Daiko dance was dedicated every year alternately in the gardens of the late Shojiro Hamasuna's house in Oyabu and Toshimi Shiiba's house in Okuwagi, but as the houses have now ceased to exist, the community centre is used for the dance.
There is a shrine called Imamori Daimyojin in Oyabu, which is said to have enshrined Nasu Naizen-dono, and there is a tradition that Shikakura Daimyojin in Okuwagi is the mountain god enshrined by Naizen-dono. Naizen-den is said to be the younger brother of Nasu Hyobetayu, the founder of Okawachi Hongo.
The deity worshipped in this area is closely associated with hunting. The fact that Minister Shikakura is enshrined at Okuwagi also indicates the strong belief in the mountain god of hunting.
Date of festival 6 September of the lunar calendar
Place Oyabu Community Centre
Kami no odori (dance of the gods), Momijo (autumn leaves), Segae, Rashomon, Akahoshi, Uchinome, Hyuga no kuni, Wanji-no-kei, Mujo-nenbutsu (Buddhist prayer to the spirit of the dead).