About the 'faith' in Shiiba Village.
Visitors can experience the faith that lives on in Shiiba Village through seasonal festivals such as the Koshogatsu decorations, the mogura-uchi (mole-uchi) festival when the mountain cherry trees are in blossom, the kagura festival in early summer, the usudaiko dance from summer to autumn and the night kagura in late autumn and early winter.
Small New Year's decorations -
mole cricket (esp. the Oriental mole cricket, Gryllotalpa orientalis) -
ritual of shooting a target -
Kagura Festival -
Bon Festival event -
Oyabu no Usu Drum Dancing -
Okochi's Millstone Drum Dancing -
Tonegawa's Usu Drum Dance -
Hudono no yamaboshi odori (dance of the mountain priests in the mountains of Fudono) -
Tsugao's Usu Drum Dancing -
Kozaki no Yamaboshi Odori -
What is Shiiba Kagura -
Visiting gods and kagura -
Mikoya, a kagura shrine -
kagura mask -
Kagura pickings (mohyo, masked sticks, etc.) -
Kagura no Kumo (the clouds that form during the eight hereditary titles) -
Kagura's clothing for men (usu. white) -
kagura mask rod -
Kagura instruments -
Kagura costumes -
Shiiba Folk Performing Arts Museum.